Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Tuesday, 1 February 2005 - Our extended family

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for our extended family.

In winter, when the temperature plummets and daylight wanes, so do my spirits. My neighbors encourage me and cheer me on in my various known activities: job hunting, writing, gardening, cooking, knitting, and jewelry making. When I am at the end of my rope, they help pull me up onto safe ground. On the coldest and gloomiest days, we often see each other for just a few minutes while picking-up the newspaper, shoveling snow, taking our dogs for walks, or getting the mail. We catch up on the latest neighborhood news: "Did you hear about so and so?" they ask or "Guess what T did yesterday!" I exclaim. After the brief exchange, we go our separate ways. The encounter, however, brightens the hours and warms my heart for the rest of the day.

In summer, we get together for old fashioned block parties. We gather for a potluck meal, then sit and talk for hours about our families, hopes and dreams. Hayden, our musically talented teenaged neighbor, serenades us on his saxophone. Together, we are friends, neighbors and family, happily celebrating the best of times.

For this blessing, I am grateful.


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