Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wednesday, 17 March 2010 - Last days of winter

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for the last days of winter.

It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade. ~Charles Dickens

Daily, my gardens remind me that it's time to prepare the plots for a new growing season. I vow to begin the chores only if the sun is shining and it's warm enough to break a sweat. And I don't mean a few hours of glorious weather on a Saturday morning followed by several days of freezing temperatures and wet snow.

I really want a lovely spring this year, maybe even an extraordinary one. Not for me, but for T and for my dad. I fear that Spring 2010 may be their last.

For this blessing, I am grateful.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Tuesday, 16 March 2010 - Confessions

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for confessions.

No more excuses coming from my tiny corner of the world. I no longer offer excuses for anything, only confessions ... as in:

I confess that:
  • I let life get in the way of my writing.
  • I let work get in the way of my writing.
  • I let doubt and fear get in the way of my writing.
  • I let writer's block get in the way of my writing.
  • I let television get in the way of my writing.
Please forgive me. I know what I have done, and I was wrong. I'm ready to wipe the slate clean and begin anew.

For this blessing, I am grateful.


Monday, March 15, 2010

15 March 2010 - Birthday Number 56

Dear God:

Today I am thankful for one more year - number 56 to be exact.

My birthday.
Not a cause for jubilant celebration.
Rather, a time for quiet and intense reflection.
Past, present, future.
All three have great and grave importance when you're 50-something.

I dream, ponder and philosophize.
I learn, create and change.
I act, decide and progress.
I share, mentor and collaborate.
I work hard at building a small legacy of good works. 

Be generous to a fault.
Follow the Golden Rule.
Be kind.

I know that I am well past the half-way point of my life, unless, of course, I live past the ripe old age of 112.

I'm not planning anything special. I have to work today. My colleagues who know about my birthday will whisper their good wishes. They know my preference for privacy.

No gifts, please. I think I already have most of the things on my wish list:
  • A husband and (canine) son who love me
  • Respect and love from my beloved niece and nephew
  • A sister who is also my best friend (too bad she lives in California)
  • An extended Colorado Springs family that includes kind and generous neighbors
  • Membership at the new climbing gym (S and I know the owners)
  • Hours to spend writing and reading (Charles Dickens and Jane Austen are on this year's list)
  • Longer days so I can take T for a walk when I come home from work
  • Visits from our Air Force cadet "sons" - they're juniors this year
  • Gardens and landscapes that crave my attention
  • Delicious cooking adventures that involve my favorite Le Creuset cookware 
Happy Birthday to me. I think this is the year I will finish writing my book.

For this blessing, I am grateful.
