Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday, 13 June 2008 - Tim Russert, 1950-2008

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for Tim Russert, 1950-2008.

I am saddened by Tim Russert's death. He was only 58 years old. Same age as S. Four years older than me. Too young by my standards.

I'm somewhat amused by headlines that proclaim the untimeliness of his passing. Untimely as in unexpected. As if we should know death's schedule like a bus or train timetable. If we know the end is coming today, in a few hours, in the next minute, then is the event deemed timely, expected, logical, sans surprise?

Perhaps Mr. Russert's death, however sad and tragic and alarming, is on schedule, "on the dot" as prescribed by the Book of Time that dictates all Universal events. The irony of it all. Despite his unequaled passion, boundless energy and voracious appetite for all things political, his lifeline ended abruptly, a few months shy of the historic 2008 Presidential election. For whatever reason.

A significant voice, a gifted journalist, an astute interviewer, silenced.

And we shall miss him. Like an old friend whose presence we've always taken for granted. Whose absence has left a gaping hole in the American political landscape.

For this blessing, I am grateful.


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