Today, I am thankful for one healthy canine.
This afternoon, T aced his annual checkup, extending his streak to 11 straight years.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~Celia Thaxter
"God bless the whole world ... no exceptions!"For this blessing, I am grateful.
This party - the party of Jefferson and Jackson; of Roosevelt and Kennedy -- has always made the biggest difference in the lives of the American people when we led, not by polls, but by principle; not by calculation, but by conviction; when we summoned the entire nation to a common purpose -- a higher purpose. And I run for the Presidency of the United States of America because that's the party America needs us to be right now.For this blessing, I am grateful.
... That's why I'm asking you to stand with me, that's why I'm asking you to caucus for me, that's why I am asking you to stop settling for what the cynics say we have to accept. In this election -- in this moment -- let us reach for what we know is possible.
~Senator Barack Obama, November 2007