Today, I am thankful for nearly 73 pounds of pure love.
This afternoon, T visited the "veg" for his annual checkup ("veg" is our code for veterinarian; pronounced with a soft "g" as in vegetarian). Since we regard the visit as a father-son affair, I stayed at home.
S reports that T is in excellent health and, to our surprise, lost weight, tipping the scale at 72.8 pounds (down from last year's still trim 77 pounds). Must be the frequent hikes through Red Rock Canyon, staying busy for 4-5 hours while we rock climb and his daily ration of cooked oatmeal, flax oil and diatomaceous earth (food grade).
Dr. S gave him three shots including one that desensitizes dogs to rattlesnake venom. As a result of the injections in his hips, T is moving slower than usual. I decide to skip our evening walk in the park. Anyway, I'm also tired after visiting Tom in the hospital for a few hours.
T's very clingy this evening, staying within petting range. For whatever reason, he needs reassurance that everything will soon return to normal; that the checkup wasn't punishment; that he's still our pride and joy.
Silly boy!
Of course we love you! Always have. Always will.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
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