Today, I am thankful for closed doors and open windows.
It is often hard to distinguish between the hard knocks in life and those of opportunity. ~Frederick Phillips
A week ago, I was worried because a few doors in our work lives are starting to close. We decided that I should secure a part-time job while S finds new clients.
What a difference a few days can make.
This week, several windows have suddenly opened for both of us. With very grateful hearts, we welcome the transition period and enthusiastically embrace our new opportunities.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Photo: I bought this plant because I though it was a blue mist spirea - a very desirable xeric perennial. The plant is actually a variety of helianthus (sunflower). I was disappointed when yellow buds began forming on the very tall stems because I anticipated the spirea's dark blue blooms. Now, I am delighted by the enormous bouquet of yellow sunflowers that brighten my backyard garden.
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