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Dear God:Today, I am thankful for one April shower.April showers bring May flowers. (sigh) I wish.This year, the infamous April showers never materialized. In fact, we've received almost no moisture this spring (March and April are usually the wettest months of the year). So, I've deep watered the gardens at least once a week. As you can see in the photo, most of the xeric plants survived our cold, dry winter and have begun to grow. This afternoon, I celebrated as I watched the dark clouds gather over the mountains. Soon, we were treated to a much anticipated symphony of thunder, lightening and a little rain. One April shower. One hopeful sign that our gardens will flourish. One gardener's prayer, answered.For this blessing, I am grateful.Amen.
Dear God:Today, I am thankful for the gift of giving.I gave copies of a favorite book, The Wealthy Spirit, to five people I don't know. These individuals responded to the offer I posted on the message board of a Yahoo group to which I belong. The books were my gifts to Brandy, Phoenix, Gina, Kim and Ron. But the act of giving is my gift to myself. This evening, my heart is full and my cup runneth over (again). For this blessing, I am grateful.Amen.
Dear God:Today, I am thankful for more spring cleaning. This time, I'm sorting my book collection.Books, books and more books. Ever since I taught myself to read at age 4, I've been in love with the printed word. Books. I buy them, read them, study them and store them in the bookcase where they often sit, unopened, for months and years. I've decided that the dust collectors must go. So, my next major decluttering task involves clearing the bookshelves. Books, after all, have a definite purpose - they're suppose to be read over and over again. That's why public libraries exist.Next week, I plan to sort through my collection and donate the majority of volumes to my favorite charity store. The stack of children's books (I bought them thinking that my niece and nephew would visit us often - they didn't) will go to a local preschool or the Children's Literacy Center.Wish me luck. I'll need an extra dose of discipline so I can let go and move on.For this blessing, I am grateful.Amen.
Dear God:Today, I am thankful for the school of hard knocks and the university of experience.You can get all A's and still flunk life. ~Walker Percy I got all A's yet I learned soon after graduating from UCLA that I don't want to flunk life. At age 52 and counting, I am still earning a practical PhD that fully embraces the broad sweep and minute details of my experience and purpose. My dissertation - one woman's life from A to Z written in tears, laughter and poetry - remains a work in progress.For this blessing, I am grateful.Amen.
Dear God:Today, I am thankful for three bunnies.While inspecting the northwest corner of the backyard, I discover, beneath the heavy layer of mulch, a small burrow containing three little bunnies. Although I've been praying the Prayer of Jabez and asking to expand my territory, I never imagined that I would be a temporary caretaker of wild bunnies. At least it's a new adventure that will definitely enliven today's agenda.What do do next. I call the local wildlife rescue organization for advice. The volunteer tells me that they'll rescue the bunnies only if they're abandoned by the mother and unable to fare for themselves. I determine that they're not newborns and probably weaned. The bunnies will stay here for the foreseeable future. My garden is now an ad hoc bunny haven.I vow to protect them, especially from T, our chocolate Labrador Retriever. Fortunately, T has a poor sense of smell and probably won't wander near the burrow unless he actually sees the bunnies. I check the bunnies hourly, making sure they're okay. Sshhhh. They're sleeping.Early evening. T and I just returned from a long walk in the park. I visit the burrow one more time before sunset. To my surprise (and disappointment), the bunnies are gone. It's dinner time, after all. They're probably feeding on the young spring grasses that recently sprouted in the meadow near the park. I pray for their safety.For this blessing, I am grateful.Amen.
Dear God:Today, I am thankful for timely words of encouragement that helped me right my sinking ship and move to higher ground. The reward of a thing well done is to have done it. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
If the wind will not serve, take to the oars. ~Latin Proverb
You must be at the end of your rope. I felt a tug. ~Author UnknownFor these blessings, I am grateful.Amen.
Dear God:
Today, I am thankful for my mother who is celebrating her 81st birthday.
My mother is a poem
I'll never be able to write,
though everything I write
is a poem to my mother.
~Sharon Doubiago
Below is the poem I wrote to commemorate Mom's 80th birthday (last year). I had planned to read it tonight at a local poetry reading, but winter weather has settled in and I don't want to venture out in the cold. So, I'll share it here. Note that, although the poem expresses my intentions, it captures my mother's spirit and energy.
When I am sixty,
I will ride my bike very carefully
Along the ancient cobblestone path
That leads to the local
Farmers’ Market where
I’ll buy fresh ingredients for
Tonight’s dinner.
This will be my morning routine
In Vence, France,
A tiny medieval village
Where Matisse built his chapel.
I’ll visit favorite vendors,
The ones who already know how
Picky I am and won’t become
Too impatient while I choose
The perfect herbs,
The ripest tomatoes, and
The sweetest fruit.
Shopping finished,
My bike heavy with parcels,
I’ll return to our cottage,
To begin sorting, cleaning and
Preparing my culinary treasures.
My husband is very busy,
Making phone calls,
Conducting meetings and
Sending emails to associates.
He’s looking forward to his daily bike ride
Along the back roads and
A casual dinner on the terrace.
The dog sleeps peacefully near the
Grove of mature fruit trees.
Our first Provence summer.
All is calm. All is bright.
I’ve been alive for six decades,
Yet, I am just beginning to
Live fully.
By early afternoon,
Lavender and rose scented air
Will blow gently through my studio
As I sit at the computer,
Writing and editing
A new poem.
When I am seventy,
I will stroll along the beach
On lazy summer mornings
To collect scallop shells
And kelp bulbs
And sea glass.
I’ll walk barefoot through the surf,
Happily anticipating the
The wet sand’s squish and
The cold water’s sting.
The dog, a chocolate Lab,
Will run ahead of me,
Chasing flocks of birds
Before pausing to sniff
A mound of rotting seaweed.
I’ll wear
A straw hat with a
Wide, floppy brim,
And a gauzy cotton shirt
Over comfortable white capris.
I won’t forget the sunscreen
Or bottled water
Or sunglasses
Or dog treats.
I’ll hum a tune that
Harmonizes with the
Tide’s steady rhythm.
As the sun’s heat intensifies,
I’ll gulp the cool breeze
And sip the salty air
Until one obnoxious sea gull
Reminds me that
It’s time to go home.
My husband should be back from
His daily bike ride along the coast.
And, I still have
A million things to do,
Places to visit,
People to see,
And, gratefully,
Time to spend.
When I am eighty,
I will climb the mountain
That rises five thousand feet above the
Cabin we call home.
I’ll visit the Columbine garden growing
Near the massive gray boulder
That sits about twenty yards
East of the secluded beaver pond.
I’ll hike slowly along
This familiar path until the
Sun reaches its highest point,
My signal to turn around
And head for home.
On the return trip,
I’ll think about
The book I am writing,
Ideas for a new poem, and
The chores I neglected this morning.
I’ll stop in the meadow
To pick a large wildflower bouquet
For the kitchen table and
To inspect the thicket of
Ripening raspberries.
That evening,
As we relax on the front porch,
We’ll marvel at the
Glorious sunset and
Toast day’s end
With glasses of
Homemade lemonade.
We’ll be three companions,
Husband, wife and Labrador retriever son,
Three adventurers who found
Their rainbow’s end
On a Colorado mountain.
I’ll feel extraordinarily blessed,
Tired in a good way,
Grateful to be alive, and
Joyous in the peace
Of all things.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Dear God:Today, I am thankful for a cook's intuition.Unless I'm baking a cake or making candy, I rarely follow a recipe. I'm not very good at following directions exactly as written. My culinary creations are hybrids. I study several recipes for a given dish so I know the basic ingredients and directions. Then, I begin cooking. Intuition kicks in. A little more of this and a little less of that, fresh veggies instead of canned, lots of garlic and onions, generous portions of cinnamon and vanilla extract, add cayenne pepper whenever possible because I like hot and spicy dishes. There is one major drawback to my cooking methods. Since I cook intuitively, I cannot reproduce a given dish (not even my tortilla soup or kim chee). Thank goodness my husband isn't picky. He does wish, however, that I would watch my use of cayenne pepper. What's just right for me is almost too hot for him. For this blessing, I am grateful.Amen.
Dear God:Today, I am thankful for my environmentalist tendencies. We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children. ~Native American ProverbThere are no passengers on Spaceship Earth. We are all crew. ~Marshall McLuhan, 1964I'm one of those sometimes annoying environmentalists. I pick up trash around the park and neighborhood and tend well-mulched xeriscape gardens that attract the birds and butterflies. I'm an ardent recycler, trying to keep the landfill free of the remnants of my family's consumption: cardboard, chip board, glass, white paper, newspaper, magazines, catalogues, junk mail, plastic, aluminum/steel cans and outdated phone books. I use trash bags made from corn starch and cloth produce bags and shopping totes. At the neighborhood get-togethers, I'm the one who sets up and manages the recycling bins. We give money to environmental causes.My one transgression involves transportation. I definitely need a car since public transportation is poor and the stores are too far away. But, since S and I work from home, we've curtailed our driving habits quite dramatically. Between the two of us, we usually drive less than 50 miles a week. My next car will be a hybrid or will use biodiesel fuel. Or, we'll move to a town that's more pedestrian and cycling oriented so I can walk or ride a bike to the grocery store, post office, bank, and salon. I believe in Earth Day, everyday. I hope my actions speak louder than my words.For this blessing, I am grateful.Amen.
Dear God:Today, I am thankful for my favorite mechanical pencil and one very large eraser. Map out your future, but do it in pencil. ~Jon Bon JoviI never expected that my life would change so quickly - month to month, day to day, minute to minute. I don't plan for certainty but for uncertainty. Erase this expectation. Cross out that wish. Pencil-in this maybe. Don't forget to dream. For these blessings, I am grateful.Amen.
Dear God:Today, I am thankful for one very contented dog.T is getting older and spends much of the day sleeping. When he's outside, he's not patrolling the yard like he did when he was younger. He's napping near the garden, his fur collecting the thatch and dirt that will eventually end up on the carpet. My husband, S, and I try to make each day special for him. A gourmet dog biscuit. A pat on the head as we whisper, "good boy." A tummy rub on demand. A game of fetch with his new "lambie-doodle" toy. A doggie kiss and hug. Walks in the park. Hikes along the trail. And, our daily mantra, repeated often and passionately: "I love you so much!" For this blessing, I am grateful.Amen.
Dear God:Today, I am thankful for my little garden.Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary,
How does your garden grow?
With silver bells and cockleshells
And pretty maids all in a row. ~ English nursery rhymeMy garden is doing well, thank you very much. I am delighted that the plants are waking up from their winter sleep. I've already raked the mulch and deep-watered the entire plot.I took this picture earlier today. This year, my plan is to add a walking path on the left side (next to the concrete driveway). If you look closely at this picture, you can see the lone daffodil that bloomed yesterday.For this blessing, I am grateful.Amen.
Dear God:Today, I am thankful for the first daffodil to bloom in my front yard garden.For this blessing, I am grateful.Amen.
Dear God:Today, I am thankful for my fingernails.My fingernails have endured all the activities required of my hands. I keep them manicured and presentable. They're short because I work a lot with my hands (typing, cooking, gardening, knitting). Rather than painting them with lacquer, I buff them until they shine. They're very strong and durable and immune to most of my abuse.Now, I am usually very careful and deliberate when I chop vegetables and other ingredients for my culinary creations. Yesterday, however, the knife slipped while I chopped turkey for the tortilla soup. The very sharp blade cut through the nail of my index finger (left hand), slicing tissue and skin. To stop the bleeding, I applied a compress and covered the incision with cayenne pepper (yes, it does work). Later, while inspecting the wound more carefully, I realized that, if my nail hadn't been there, I probably would have cut off part of my finger. Lucky me.For this blessing, I am grateful.Amen.
Dear God:Today, I am thankful for daffodils and Easter.The daffodils almost bloomed today. Apparently, they need a few more days before they show their bright yellow faces in my garden. I am watchful. Daffodils are among my favorite flowers because, in Los Angeles, they bloomed around my birthday. In Colorado, they bloom around Easter.Despite my disappointment with the daffodils, I did celebrate Easter at a local church. This year, in particular, Easter means more to me than Christ's resurrection. It signifies my own rebirth and renewal. I think that Jesus would approve.For this blessing, I am grateful.Amen.
Dear God:Today, I am thankful for calm weather.Mr. Wind. When will you stop singing your long and depressing aria today? We can't even walk in the park without being battered by your force and pelted with dirt from the adjacent construction site. I'm a petite person and could barely walk against or with you this morning. Poor T had to be satisfied with a quick jaunt down the alley. I am praying for calmer weather.For this blessing, I am grateful.Amen.
Dear God:Today, I am thankful for sacrifices.On this Good Friday, I am thinking about sacrifices. Not just the one commemorated this day - Jesus' death and it's significance to Christians. I'm thinking about sacrifices made by my grandparents and parents so that I could have a good life.I'm thinking about the sacrifices made by people who have given more than I to humanitarian causes that attempt to give the world's poorest citizens a chance to live a full life.I'm thinking about those serving in the military or in local police and fire departments - the ones who help ensure that I can walk down the street without fear.I'm thinking about the sacrifices made by our neighbors, Dennis and Debbie, for their sons (I hope Everett and Hayden realize how lucky they are).My own heart is generous but my wallet is usually empty. Still, I know I can do more. I know I can contribute my fair share and then some.For these blessings, I am grateful.Amen.
Dear God:Today, I am thankful for a bar of soap.I know it's homemade by its rough texture and "safe" ingredient list that includes organically grown oils. Its exotic scent nearly matches the Cinnabar fragrance I used to wear. The spiciness reminds me of my favorite hot beverage, chai tea blended with soy milk.For this blessing, I am grateful.Amen.
Dear God:Today, I am thankful for a better day to live.In my dream, I decided that today would be a good day to die. My gardens are in good shape - just need maintenance feeding and watering. The goji berry bushes seem to be taking root in the pots so they'll survive the summer. My house still needs cleaning and decluttering, but people do that after you die so what's the use. T goes about his business regardless of my presence. S is busy with his work and doesn't particularly cherish me these days. I won't miss much of this ordinary, boring life. I don't think others will miss me either. Maybe for a while. But in ensuing weeks and months, they'll forget that I ever walked the earth, laughed out loud or wrote poetry. My footprints, gone. My dreams, gone. My hopes and desires, gone. All that I am or was or could ever be, gone. Yes, today is a good day to die. But, it's an even better day to live. I choose the latter.For this blessing, I am grateful.Amen.
Dear God:Today, I am thankful for the Prayer of Jabez (because it's working).And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, “Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!” So God granted him what he requested.1 Chronicles 4:10 NKJV
For this blessing, I am grateful.Amen.
Dear God:Today, I am thankful for simple solutions.Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. ~Albert EinsteinI finally understood this quote when I began my writing and editing career. I soon discovered my forte: translating complex ideas into simple sentences that most people could understand. The work wasn't easy (it was extremely challenging at times) but the results were rewarding: simple and elegant word solutions. Now, if only I could apply my writing rules to my life. Easier said than done.
For this blessing, I am grateful.Amen.
Dear God:Today, I am thankful for a bowl of homemade butternut squash soup.The temperature is in the 70s and the bright sunshine feels wonderful on my winter weary body. I've already worked in the garden and tidied the garage.Lucky for my house, my spring cleaning mood perseveres. Right now, I'm cleaning the kitchen counter. For the umpteenth time, I lift the large butternut squash I bought a few months ago so I can wipe underneath it. I note that its still in perfect shape with no signs of rot - yet.Silly, silly me. What am I saving it for? I bought this squash for a very good reason ... to make my soon-to-be famous soup. So, that's exactly what I will do - make soup. Cut and peel the squash. Steam it for 20 minutes. Saute one chopped onion. Puree the squash and onions with chicken stock. Heat the mixture. Add powdered ginger, black pepper and Celtic salt. Simmer on low until heated through.Yum. Butternut squash soup. Tastes as good on a warm spring day as it does on a cold winter evening. Thick, savory, creamy. I think I deserve a second helping.For this blessing, I am grateful.Amen.
Dear God:Today, I am thankful for seeds for sowing.In my garden there is a large place for sentiment. My garden of flowers is also my garden of thoughts and dreams. The thoughts grow as freely as the flowers, and the dreams are as beautiful. ~Abram L. UrbanOne of the most delightful things about a garden is the anticipation it provides. ~W.E. Johns, The Passing ShowThe best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. ~George Bernard ShawI spent the morning hoeing the beds in the backyard garden to breakup the mulch, aerate the soil and prepare the ground for seeds, hundreds and hundreds of flower seeds. I chose special wildflower and perennial mixes designed to attract the hummingbirds and butterflies that I love. Seeds sown. Garden watered. Now I must wait for Mother Nature to take over. The "recipe" calls for rain and warm sunshine. If all goes well, in a month or so, I'll see hundreds of tiny green plants breaking through the dirt and mulch. The beginnings of a beautiful garden. The promises of life and beauty. Indeed, I shall reap what I have sown.For this blessing, I am grateful.Amen.
Dear God:Today, I am thankful for three Goji berry plants.They arrived yesterday in good condition. I planted them right away in clay pots. They'll have to acclimate in the pots while I determine the ideal planting site in the backyard. The plants are suppose to do well in the Rocky Mountain region since the terrain resembles that of Tibet (high altitude, lots of direct sunshine and arid conditions). I'm hopeful that I'll be able to cultivate these shrubs. I'm already dreaming of eating the fresh berries ... For this blessing, I am grateful.Amen.
Dear God:Today, I am thankful for a plan to help clean our neighborhood.This is a story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody. There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that, because it was Everybody's job. Everybody thought Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn't do it. It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anyone could have. ~Author Unknown I've decided to pick up at least three pieces of trash each day - one for each of us (my husband, T and me). That way, I'll be able to clean the alley, the park and other green spaces bit by bit. Recyclable items like aluminum cans, plastic, glass and corrugated cardboard have top priority since I will simply add them to our various recycling bins. Today, I picked up three soft drink cans from the gutter. Oh, how I hate litterbugs!For this blessing, I am grateful.Amen.
Dear God:Today, I am thankful for rain.Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing you a lullaby. ~Langston HughesThe best thing one can do when it's raining is to let it rain. ~Henry Wadsworth LongfellowA rainy day is the perfect time for a walk in the woods. ~Rachel CarsonFinally, a spring rain storm. It's been so long since we had one that I forgot how wonderful it sounds and feels. Time to celebrate. Everyone's invited to the party - flora and fauna alike. We'll sing and dance to the rain's steady beat and primitive rhythm while the wind whistles an impromptu melody. For this blessing, I am grateful.Amen.
Dear God:Today, I am thankful for one unselfish dog.Our neighbors are vacationing this week in California, so we agreed to take care of their dog, Sage, during the day. She's spending afternoons at our house so she'll be tired after much physical activity and mental stimulation. At night, she stays with Rosemary and her dogs, Oakley and Beau (the puppy).
Sage, a border collie, is well-behaved and gets along famously with our chocolate Lab, T. They don't actually play together; rather, they coexist - T does his thing while Sage does hers. Neither has alpha traits. Both are very omega and submissive.T willing shares his toys and water with her. She really likes one of the chicken toys, several of the chew bones and Snoopy (aka Snoop Dog). He also doesn't mind the attention we lavish on his guest as long as he gets a few kisses and treats. T, however, is visibly relieved when I take Sage home. He's been the "only dog" for so long and relishes his privacy, solitude and "best dog ever" status. For this blessing, I am grateful.Amen.
Dear God:Today, I am thankful for room in the closet.Your clothes speak even before you do. ~Jacqueline Murray Never wear anything that panics the cat. ~P. J. O'Rourke Clothes never shut up. ~Susan Brownmiller My entire wardrobe including coats now fits in one closet. This time, I'm not cheating. My jeans and jackets and tops are not squished together but actually have breathing space. The purge isn't over. I need to eliminate more items but will wait a few more weeks to ensure that winter is officially over. I'm down to my last few looks at my wardrobe before I tackle my yarn stash and my personal snail-mail correspondence (boxes of letters and cards dating from my childhood).(Sigh.) I love my eclectic collection of wool sweaters but don't need a dozen; I adore the Italian-made boots and slightly vintage Burberry rain coat but never wear them; I still like the red Coach handbag but prefer to use the felted bag I designed and knitted last fall. (Sigh.)All my things deserve to be worn or carried. They also deserve to be worn out - an event that won't occur under my ownership. For this blessing, I am grateful.Amen.
Dear God:Today, I am thankful for a springtime prayer. Lord of the springtime, Father of flower, field and fruit, smile on us in these earnest days when the work is heavy and the toil wearisome; lift up our hearts, O God, to the things worthwhile--sunshine and night, the dripping rain, the song of the birds, books and music, and the voices of our friends. Lift up our hearts to these this night and grant us Thy peace. Amen. ~W.E.B. Du BoisI see that the Finch family is building a nest in the Christmas wreath that hangs on our front door. I don't know if this is the same family that nested here in 2004 and 2005. The nest is still a very messy tangle of twigs and leaves, probably gathered from my garden. For this blessing, I am grateful.Amen.
Dear God:Today, I am thankful for real heroes like Cesar Chavez.Grant me courage to serve others, for in service there is true life. Give me honesty and patience, so that I can work with other workers. Bring forth song and celebration, so that the Spirit will be alive among us. Let the Spirit flourish and grow, so that we will never tire of the struggle. Let us remember those who have died for justice, for they have given us life. ~Cesar Chavez, activist and advocate for farm workers I knew the name, Cesar Chavez, very well while growing up in Southern California. His work and cause hit some nerves in our household. My mother grew up on a truck farm in Sacramento so she knew the hard work required to manually harvest fruits and vegetables. My dad, on the other hand, was in the produce business so he understood the dollars and cents of the situation and favored the growers and grocery stores over the migrant farm workers' plight. I respected Cesar Chavez because he stood firmly for his beliefs and and acted on his vision. For me, he set a real-life example of what one person can do if his heart is in the right place and his passion and commitment are unwavering. When my dad exhorted, "Never say can't," I know he wasn't thinking of Mr. Chavez. But, I know that Cesar Chavez also knew these words intimately. And, he took the next step - the one that most of us never take - he believed them with all his heart.For this blessing, I am grateful.Amen.