Thursday, May 26, 2005

Thursday, 26 May 2005 - Only a knee sprain

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful that T only has a knee sprain.

T's condition worsened yesterday evening, so S and I took him to the emergency animal hospital. The vet diagnosed a right hindleg knee sprain and prescribed an anti-inflammatory drug with a pain killer. He's also confined to the house for 5 days - I hope I can survive the confinement. It could have been worse - possibly an ACL tear that would require surgery to repair.

T, as you would expect, was a very good patient, though very anxious and nervous in the exam room.

The good news: the medicine worked its magic, calming T and giving him pain-free mobility.

The bad news: T's itching to run outside and jump at the fence again. He bounds up the stairs as if nothing's wrong.

He also misses his walks - keeps looking at me with sad eyes as if to say, "When do we go for our walk, Mom?" He acts like we're punishing him ... if only we could explain the treatment regimen to him in Labradorese. Maybe then he would understand that we're doing this for his own good.

For this blessing, I am grateful.


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