Sunday, January 02, 2005

Sunday, 2 January 2005 - Good walking shoes

Dear God:

Today, I am grateful for good walking shoes.

Yesterday, I examined the soles of my Lowa boots. I was sad to discover that the heels and soles were worn down - the result of a year's worth of walking. I guess they're ready for retirement.

This morning, I donned a new pair of Lowa's to begin this year's journey of daily walks along the trail or around the park with T. The boots are the same model - I bought extras last year during an online close-out sale. They fit the same as the older pair but have that new cushiony feel. I am a very aggressive walker so I hope this pair makes it through the year.

T and I walked two miles around the park - a good distance to break-in a new pair of boots.

For this blessing, I am grateful.


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