Today, I am thankful for my dad.
My dad died this afternoon. He was 84 years old.
I last saw him in March when the family gathered in Manhattan Beach to celebrate his and Mom's 60th wedding anniversary. It was his most ardent desire to live to see March 18, 2010.
I don't know what else to write so I'll share the poem I wrote for him for Father's Day 2002.
I Am My Father's Daughter
For Dad on Father's Day 2002
You see it, don't you?
The raw elements of
Strength, courage and purpose.
The black and white
Of right and wrong.
The "never say can't" attitude.
I wear them like skin,
Breathe them like air,
Drink them like water.
I cannot shake them off,
Or shed them,
Or wish them away.
Are not seasonal or
Ruled by the tides.
See how he and I
Think the same way,
Act the same way,
Dream the same way.
All that I do
He does with me.
He is my watchman,
My protector,
Peering over my shoulder,
Stirring my conscience,
Knocking on my heart.
As I travel here and there
And accomplish this and that,
Others watch me.
They nod their heads and whisper,
"She is just like her dad."
They think I don't hear them,
But, I do.
And I smile.
For above all things,
I am my father's daughter.
For this blessing, I am eternally grateful.
I love you, Dad.
Photo: Daffodils in the front yard garden. Here is a quintet - five lovely sunny yellow blooms representing five grieving daughters.