Dear God:
Today, I am thankful for a dose of inspiration.
The Ute Valley Park bouldering competition begins this morning. We're attending but not competing. I'm photographing the event while S spots climbers. We're taking our shoes and bouldering pads (we'll climb after the competition ends). T will keep me company.
I love to observe other climbers, especially women. I study their styles and moves, hoping to learn something that will improve my own skills.
This competition is a golden opportunity to witness really good local climbers attempt a series of difficult routes and succeed.
Good timing, too. I'm overdue for a dose of climbing inspiration and encouragement.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Friday, 30 May 2008 - Washing machines and dryers
Dear God:
Today, I am thankful for washing machines and dryers.
I didn't see it coming.
I'm talking about two enormous duffle bags stuffed with dirty laundry. The clothes and gear need to be washed and dried by 1 AM so M can make his 1:30 AM Air Force Academy curfew. It's already 4 PM.
The school year ended a week ago. The cadets are cleaning their rooms and moving to temporary summer quarters. M leaves Monday for an out-of-state internship.
Long story short, M does load after load of laundry, giving our efficient, high capacity front loading washing machine and dryer a workout. The dryer is the real star, completing its duties quickly. I can't imagine having to dry all those items on a clothesline.
Just before 1 AM, M is matching the last of his socks (I estimate that he washed at least 4 dozen pairs). In a few minutes, S will take him back to the Academy, clean laundry and all.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Today, I am thankful for washing machines and dryers.
I didn't see it coming.
I'm talking about two enormous duffle bags stuffed with dirty laundry. The clothes and gear need to be washed and dried by 1 AM so M can make his 1:30 AM Air Force Academy curfew. It's already 4 PM.
The school year ended a week ago. The cadets are cleaning their rooms and moving to temporary summer quarters. M leaves Monday for an out-of-state internship.
Long story short, M does load after load of laundry, giving our efficient, high capacity front loading washing machine and dryer a workout. The dryer is the real star, completing its duties quickly. I can't imagine having to dry all those items on a clothesline.
Just before 1 AM, M is matching the last of his socks (I estimate that he washed at least 4 dozen pairs). In a few minutes, S will take him back to the Academy, clean laundry and all.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Thursday, 29 May 2008 - Three more days
Dear God:
Today, I am thankful for three more days.
Three days and counting to June 1. Then, let the planting ritual begin.
On Sunday, with little fanfare except for T's occasional sniff or nudge, I will carefully transplant tomato and pepper plants to larger pots. Then, I will set them in strategic spots around the perennial vegetable and herb patch where they'll get at least 10 hours of blissful summer sunshine daily.
I hope my waiting an extra week increases the harvest. Veteran gardeners warned me about planting too soon.
In June, daytime temperatures should easily top 75-80 degrees F and nighttime temperatures should stay above 40 degrees F.
As usual, I'm hoping for the best.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Today, I am thankful for three more days.
Three days and counting to June 1. Then, let the planting ritual begin.
On Sunday, with little fanfare except for T's occasional sniff or nudge, I will carefully transplant tomato and pepper plants to larger pots. Then, I will set them in strategic spots around the perennial vegetable and herb patch where they'll get at least 10 hours of blissful summer sunshine daily.
I hope my waiting an extra week increases the harvest. Veteran gardeners warned me about planting too soon.
In June, daytime temperatures should easily top 75-80 degrees F and nighttime temperatures should stay above 40 degrees F.
As usual, I'm hoping for the best.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Wednesday, 28 May 2008 - A significant rain
Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for a significant rain.
For the first time since we moved to Colorado Springs 21 years ago, the weather does not cooperate with the Air Force Academy (AFA) graduation ceremony.
Rain falls early in the morning. Heavy cloud cover and fog dim the skies. No Thunderbird air show or fly-bys today.
The President addressed the AFA graduates during the ceremony. I wonder if the rain's significance goes beyond a welcome springtime watering for my gardens.
I'm thinking about tears from weeping angels and a wounded Mother Earth.
Tears that say enough is enough about his war, his policies, his divisiveness.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Photo: Columbine buds drip with fresh raindrops
Today, I am thankful for a significant rain.
For the first time since we moved to Colorado Springs 21 years ago, the weather does not cooperate with the Air Force Academy (AFA) graduation ceremony.
Rain falls early in the morning. Heavy cloud cover and fog dim the skies. No Thunderbird air show or fly-bys today.
The President addressed the AFA graduates during the ceremony. I wonder if the rain's significance goes beyond a welcome springtime watering for my gardens.
I'm thinking about tears from weeping angels and a wounded Mother Earth.
Tears that say enough is enough about his war, his policies, his divisiveness.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Photo: Columbine buds drip with fresh raindrops
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Tuesday, 27 May 2008 - Self-forgiveness
Dear God:
Today, I am thankful for self-forgiveness.
I wondered if that was how forgiveness budded, not with the fanfare of epiphany, but with pain gathering its things, packing up, and slipping away unannounced in the middle of the night. ~Khaled Hosseini, The Kite Runner
Self-forgiveness is something I must work at daily. My perfectionist tendencies and critical nature turn against me when I err. Which is often.
So, when I read the above sentence in The Kite Runner, I pause and consider how forgiveness works. That when I come to terms with my trespasses and shortcomings, I can release the guilt and pain quietly, almost effortlessly.
I fall asleep, murmuring the words, "I forgive me." During the night, my pain slips away - escapes - without saying good-bye. In the morning, my heart, already healing, bears no scar.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Today, I am thankful for self-forgiveness.
I wondered if that was how forgiveness budded, not with the fanfare of epiphany, but with pain gathering its things, packing up, and slipping away unannounced in the middle of the night. ~Khaled Hosseini, The Kite Runner
Self-forgiveness is something I must work at daily. My perfectionist tendencies and critical nature turn against me when I err. Which is often.
So, when I read the above sentence in The Kite Runner, I pause and consider how forgiveness works. That when I come to terms with my trespasses and shortcomings, I can release the guilt and pain quietly, almost effortlessly.
I fall asleep, murmuring the words, "I forgive me." During the night, my pain slips away - escapes - without saying good-bye. In the morning, my heart, already healing, bears no scar.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Monday, 26 May 2008 - Memorial Day, every day
Dear God:
Today, I am thankful for Memorial Day, every day.
I meet a woman whose husband, a Marine, was killed in Iraq a few years ago. She confesses that she's angry at herself because she's beginning to forget the "little things" about him.
You know what I am talking about. The mundane, boring details we take for granted about each other. The ordinary stuff of life not worth memorializing. Until it's too late.
Then, we wish we had taken more photographs or videos of his or her life as it unfolded, day after week after year. Because, that's how we want to remember the person. Not just enjoying an annual holiday or celebrating a birthday. But living.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Today, I am thankful for Memorial Day, every day.
I meet a woman whose husband, a Marine, was killed in Iraq a few years ago. She confesses that she's angry at herself because she's beginning to forget the "little things" about him.
You know what I am talking about. The mundane, boring details we take for granted about each other. The ordinary stuff of life not worth memorializing. Until it's too late.
Then, we wish we had taken more photographs or videos of his or her life as it unfolded, day after week after year. Because, that's how we want to remember the person. Not just enjoying an annual holiday or celebrating a birthday. But living.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Sunday, 25 May 2008 - The Kite Runner
Dear God:
Today, I am thankful for The Kite Runner (novel by Khaled Hosseini).
After watching the highly acclaimed movie, The Kite Runner, I knew I had to read the novel. So, on Thursday, I borrowed the book from the library and read it this afternoon. To my delight, I discovered that the movie faithfully followed the original story.
I now add The Kite Runner to my list of all-time favorite books and movies, a rare occurrence for me since I usually prefer the book to the movie. This time, I highly recommend both.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Today, I am thankful for The Kite Runner (novel by Khaled Hosseini).
After watching the highly acclaimed movie, The Kite Runner, I knew I had to read the novel. So, on Thursday, I borrowed the book from the library and read it this afternoon. To my delight, I discovered that the movie faithfully followed the original story.
I now add The Kite Runner to my list of all-time favorite books and movies, a rare occurrence for me since I usually prefer the book to the movie. This time, I highly recommend both.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Saturday, 24 May 2008 - Clarity
Dear God:
Today, I am thankful for clarity.
Several years ago, a magazine article revealed Oprah's prayer strategy. Each year, it seems, her prayers focus on one attribute or quality. That year, she prayed for clarity.
Now, that is what I'm praying for.
Clarity of purpose.
Clarity of direction.
Clarity of action.
That which remains after I silence all distractions and eliminate extraneous information from my thoughts.
That which captures the essence of my journey and sets straight my path.
That which helps me see the forest for the trees and locate my own star within the night sky's glittery sea.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Today, I am thankful for clarity.
Several years ago, a magazine article revealed Oprah's prayer strategy. Each year, it seems, her prayers focus on one attribute or quality. That year, she prayed for clarity.
Now, that is what I'm praying for.
Clarity of purpose.
Clarity of direction.
Clarity of action.
That which remains after I silence all distractions and eliminate extraneous information from my thoughts.
That which captures the essence of my journey and sets straight my path.
That which helps me see the forest for the trees and locate my own star within the night sky's glittery sea.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Friday, 23 May 2008 - Mint plants
Dear God:
Today, I am thankful for mint plants.
Okay. Despite my premature concerns (I'm a worrier), the Kentucky peppermint plants survived our very cold winter. As I inspect the backyard garden on the north side of the house, I discover several new patches of fragrant mint leaves. In fact, I am surprised to see so many.
At the recent plant sale, the herb lady reminded me of mint's invasiveness. I scoffed at her warning because last year's crop did poorly. I even told her that I didn't think the mint would return. She flashed that knowing smile as she advised me to wait a few more weeks.
Now, a week later, I'm a believer.
I don't know if I should celebrate (I keep thinking about drinking mug after mug of peppermint tea or sipping mojitos and mint juleps on warm summer evenings) or complain (surely mint plants are more amenable than weeds).
For now, I welcome the mint plants and exhort them to grow quickly. Of course, I reserve the right to think differently in a few months.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Today, I am thankful for mint plants.
Okay. Despite my premature concerns (I'm a worrier), the Kentucky peppermint plants survived our very cold winter. As I inspect the backyard garden on the north side of the house, I discover several new patches of fragrant mint leaves. In fact, I am surprised to see so many.
At the recent plant sale, the herb lady reminded me of mint's invasiveness. I scoffed at her warning because last year's crop did poorly. I even told her that I didn't think the mint would return. She flashed that knowing smile as she advised me to wait a few more weeks.
Now, a week later, I'm a believer.
I don't know if I should celebrate (I keep thinking about drinking mug after mug of peppermint tea or sipping mojitos and mint juleps on warm summer evenings) or complain (surely mint plants are more amenable than weeds).
For now, I welcome the mint plants and exhort them to grow quickly. Of course, I reserve the right to think differently in a few months.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Thursday, 22 May 2008 - Good Samarian dog catchers
Dear God:
Today, I am thankful for good Samaritan dog catchers.
It takes a village to raise children to be responsible citizens. It also takes a village to catch a very frightened stray dog who's running back and forth across the busy boulevard.
I learn that this is a special canine, a beautiful white Husky named Aleska. According to her owner, Aleska's three years old and blind. She was adopted yesterday.
S, T, M (our Air Force Academy cadet) and I joined the chase, a necessary detour on our way to Red Rock Canyon for a late afternoon climbing adventure. The rescue squad of at least a dozen people chase Aleska up and down the steep cement culvert then back and forth across the busy boulevard. Finally, she heads towards the elementary school field. There, S corners her against the chain link fence and grabs her collar.
Aleska, now leashed and under her owner's watchful eye, lies exhausted on the sidewalk, bloody paws and all. I give her a generous bowlful of T's water. The owner thanks everyone for their time and efforts. We wish Aleska a speedy recovery from her ordeal. She's a very lucky girl.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Today, I am thankful for good Samaritan dog catchers.
It takes a village to raise children to be responsible citizens. It also takes a village to catch a very frightened stray dog who's running back and forth across the busy boulevard.
I learn that this is a special canine, a beautiful white Husky named Aleska. According to her owner, Aleska's three years old and blind. She was adopted yesterday.
S, T, M (our Air Force Academy cadet) and I joined the chase, a necessary detour on our way to Red Rock Canyon for a late afternoon climbing adventure. The rescue squad of at least a dozen people chase Aleska up and down the steep cement culvert then back and forth across the busy boulevard. Finally, she heads towards the elementary school field. There, S corners her against the chain link fence and grabs her collar.
Aleska, now leashed and under her owner's watchful eye, lies exhausted on the sidewalk, bloody paws and all. I give her a generous bowlful of T's water. The owner thanks everyone for their time and efforts. We wish Aleska a speedy recovery from her ordeal. She's a very lucky girl.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Wednesday, 21 May 2008 - Reasonable expectations
Dear God:
Today, I am thankful for reasonable expectations.
I don't know why I adopted the notion that my inability to grow a decent crop of tomatoes marks me a failed gardener.
My tomato growing struggles are legendary (at least to me, they are) not to mention the expense and mental anguish. I think my tomatoes would do just as well if I stuck the plants in unamended soil and forgot about them (except for regular watering, of course).
Anyway, if my tomato plants struggle again this year, I will abandon the effort in 2009 and concentrate on growing peppers, rhubarb, berries and herbs. To increase my odds of success, however, I'm planting four "tried-and-true" heirloom varieties.
And, if my crop fails, well, c'est la vie. I can buy tasty locally grown organic tomatoes for salsa and pasta sauce at the natural food store or farmer's market. So, I won't go without.
What I will relinquish, however, are my sacred bragging rights - the distinct privilege of confessing that these delicious tomatoes are home grown.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Today, I am thankful for reasonable expectations.
I don't know why I adopted the notion that my inability to grow a decent crop of tomatoes marks me a failed gardener.
My tomato growing struggles are legendary (at least to me, they are) not to mention the expense and mental anguish. I think my tomatoes would do just as well if I stuck the plants in unamended soil and forgot about them (except for regular watering, of course).
Anyway, if my tomato plants struggle again this year, I will abandon the effort in 2009 and concentrate on growing peppers, rhubarb, berries and herbs. To increase my odds of success, however, I'm planting four "tried-and-true" heirloom varieties.
And, if my crop fails, well, c'est la vie. I can buy tasty locally grown organic tomatoes for salsa and pasta sauce at the natural food store or farmer's market. So, I won't go without.
What I will relinquish, however, are my sacred bragging rights - the distinct privilege of confessing that these delicious tomatoes are home grown.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Wednesday, 21 May 2008 - Productive first hours
Dear God:
Today, I am thankful for productive first hours.
Early sunrises suit my schedule. In fact, my first waking hours are among my most productive.
Within the first 90-120 minutes, I take T for a walk in the park, make dough for a loaf of focaccio, start dinner (if the meal includes homemade pasta sauce or soup) and bake a dessert (M is visiting this and next week). I also tend my front and backyard gardens where I systematically inspect, water, trim, weed, mulch, rake, feed and photograph the perennials, vegetables, herbs and berries.
All this activity before I sit down in front of my laptop with a mug of freshly brewed rooibos tea and check out what's happening in the world.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Today, I am thankful for productive first hours.
Early sunrises suit my schedule. In fact, my first waking hours are among my most productive.
Within the first 90-120 minutes, I take T for a walk in the park, make dough for a loaf of focaccio, start dinner (if the meal includes homemade pasta sauce or soup) and bake a dessert (M is visiting this and next week). I also tend my front and backyard gardens where I systematically inspect, water, trim, weed, mulch, rake, feed and photograph the perennials, vegetables, herbs and berries.
All this activity before I sit down in front of my laptop with a mug of freshly brewed rooibos tea and check out what's happening in the world.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Tuesday, 20 May 2008 - A tidier garden
Dear God:
Today, I am thankful for a tidier garden.
Gardening requires lots of water - most of it in the form of perspiration.
~Lou Erickson
Since Sunday, I've spent at least 12 hours in the backyard garden completing maintenance tasks and planting new additions. What a mess ... plant trimmings, overgrown penstemon, weeds.
I really should have pruned the shrubs and cleared most of the debris last fall, but I just wasn't up to it. I tidied the front yard garden in April lest my neighbors think I'm not an attentive caretaker (my backyard garden is private so no one else "sees" my neglectfulness).
Now, however, with summer only a month away, I don't have a choice.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Today, I am thankful for a tidier garden.
Gardening requires lots of water - most of it in the form of perspiration.
~Lou Erickson
Since Sunday, I've spent at least 12 hours in the backyard garden completing maintenance tasks and planting new additions. What a mess ... plant trimmings, overgrown penstemon, weeds.
I really should have pruned the shrubs and cleared most of the debris last fall, but I just wasn't up to it. I tidied the front yard garden in April lest my neighbors think I'm not an attentive caretaker (my backyard garden is private so no one else "sees" my neglectfulness).
Now, however, with summer only a month away, I don't have a choice.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Monday, 19 May 2008 - Good memories
Dear God:
Today, I am thankful for good memories.
Our friend and colleague, George, finally succumbed to cancer a few days ago. The news, though expected for some time, saddens our household.
Tears won't bring him back. Still, in the privacy of my studio, I grieve quietly.
I think of George's infectious smile, sparkling eyes, droll sense of humor and unmatched optimism. I remember his insight, intellect and gratitude. I celebrate his dreams and talents.
My "livestrong" scorecard reveals the horrible truth. Cancer wins again. Damn it.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Today, I am thankful for good memories.
Our friend and colleague, George, finally succumbed to cancer a few days ago. The news, though expected for some time, saddens our household.
Tears won't bring him back. Still, in the privacy of my studio, I grieve quietly.
I think of George's infectious smile, sparkling eyes, droll sense of humor and unmatched optimism. I remember his insight, intellect and gratitude. I celebrate his dreams and talents.
My "livestrong" scorecard reveals the horrible truth. Cancer wins again. Damn it.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Sunday, 18 May 2008 - Calm after the storm
Dear God:
Today, I am thankful for calm after the storm.
Just what I need after a stormy week of plants and politics.
Late morning, as the temperature begins to rise, we decide to boulder in Ute Valley Park. Afterwards, when we take T for his hike, he tells us he cannot bear the heat by lying down in the middle of the trail. Poor T. We douse him with water and let him rest in the shade for a few minutes before heading back to the truck.
As late afternoon shadows fall, I work steadily in the backyard garden, trimming plants and removing grass clumps from the planting areas. I decide to plant the perennial strawberries and rhubarb in the vegetable patch.
S mows the overgrown late spring lawn. T, overwhelmed by the 80+ degree heat, naps quietly near the vegetable patch. Not even the lawn mower's loud roar can disturb his sweet dreams.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Today, I am thankful for calm after the storm.
Just what I need after a stormy week of plants and politics.
Late morning, as the temperature begins to rise, we decide to boulder in Ute Valley Park. Afterwards, when we take T for his hike, he tells us he cannot bear the heat by lying down in the middle of the trail. Poor T. We douse him with water and let him rest in the shade for a few minutes before heading back to the truck.
As late afternoon shadows fall, I work steadily in the backyard garden, trimming plants and removing grass clumps from the planting areas. I decide to plant the perennial strawberries and rhubarb in the vegetable patch.
S mows the overgrown late spring lawn. T, overwhelmed by the 80+ degree heat, naps quietly near the vegetable patch. Not even the lawn mower's loud roar can disturb his sweet dreams.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Saturday, 17 May 2008 - Patience
Dear God:
Today, I am thankful for patience.
I participate in the political process because I think it's important to be part of the solution. If I don't vote, I don't have the right to complain. My vote is often the only way I have a voice or can state my case for change or status quo.
Still, despite my heightened interest in this year's primary race, today's Colorado State Democratic Party Convention really tried my patience. At the end of the day, I actually questioned whether my efforts on behalf of Senator Barack Obama were worth the time investment.
Yesterday's registration process was chaotic and ridiculous. No one, it seemed, looked at processes from the attendee's point of view. A fatal error, especially in a year when more people than ever want to participate.
S and I attended the Convention first, as volunteers on the Transportation Committee - a very worthwhile and greatly appreciated endeavor. We were also Obama alternates for El Paso County, a status that meant hours of sitting in the bleachers wondering whether or not we would be seated as delegates.
The day's final agenda item was the vote. State delegates would elect delegates to the National Convention. Just before ballot distribution began, we learned that we would be seated as Obama delegates.
So, after one final ordeal to obtain official delegate credentials, came the prize, the chance to vote.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Today, I am thankful for patience.
I participate in the political process because I think it's important to be part of the solution. If I don't vote, I don't have the right to complain. My vote is often the only way I have a voice or can state my case for change or status quo.
Still, despite my heightened interest in this year's primary race, today's Colorado State Democratic Party Convention really tried my patience. At the end of the day, I actually questioned whether my efforts on behalf of Senator Barack Obama were worth the time investment.
Yesterday's registration process was chaotic and ridiculous. No one, it seemed, looked at processes from the attendee's point of view. A fatal error, especially in a year when more people than ever want to participate.
S and I attended the Convention first, as volunteers on the Transportation Committee - a very worthwhile and greatly appreciated endeavor. We were also Obama alternates for El Paso County, a status that meant hours of sitting in the bleachers wondering whether or not we would be seated as delegates.
The day's final agenda item was the vote. State delegates would elect delegates to the National Convention. Just before ballot distribution began, we learned that we would be seated as Obama delegates.
So, after one final ordeal to obtain official delegate credentials, came the prize, the chance to vote.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Friday, 16 May 2008 - More plants
Dear God:
Today, I am thankful for more plants.
Thanks to discipline and a budget, I didn't get carried away this year at the Horticultural Art Society plant sale. During past sales, when someone oohed and aahed over an exotic looking bloom or shrub, I'd buy the plant without thinking about its special needs. More often than not, it didn't survive in my garden.
Anyway, this season, I have plans for a new perennial vegetable and herb garden and a very focused shopping list.
I stuck with tried-and-true varieties for the xeric garden. My purchases included more brunnera, mirabilis multiflora and corkscrew allium.
I managed to find some perennials for the vegetable/herb garden. My prized finds: perennial strawberry plants and, in the dug-and-donate section, a $4.00 rhubarb plant and two $3.00 comfrey plants.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Today, I am thankful for more plants.
Thanks to discipline and a budget, I didn't get carried away this year at the Horticultural Art Society plant sale. During past sales, when someone oohed and aahed over an exotic looking bloom or shrub, I'd buy the plant without thinking about its special needs. More often than not, it didn't survive in my garden.
Anyway, this season, I have plans for a new perennial vegetable and herb garden and a very focused shopping list.
I stuck with tried-and-true varieties for the xeric garden. My purchases included more brunnera, mirabilis multiflora and corkscrew allium.
I managed to find some perennials for the vegetable/herb garden. My prized finds: perennial strawberry plants and, in the dug-and-donate section, a $4.00 rhubarb plant and two $3.00 comfrey plants.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Thursday, 15 May 2008 - A new gardening strategy
Dear God:
Today, I am thankful for a new gardening strategy.
The Horticultural Art Society's annual plant sale takes place this Friday, Saturday and Sunday. For the third consecutive year, I helped unload the delivery trucks. I also had the chance to discuss plant issues with veteran gardener, Elsie.
Of course, I complained about my paltry tomato and pepper harvests. Based on recent results, I believe that my green thumb applies only to flowering perennials, bulbs and shrubs.
As I spoke, Elsie's face brightened. She knew what I could do to expand my edible garden: plant a perennial vegetable garden. Such a garden would satisfy my "sustainability" requirements and desire to grow food. Then, she rattled off a list of perennial veggies and herbs ... horseradish, rhubarb, garlic, berries, comfrey, winter savory, sorrel, lovage, chives, mint, fruit trees ...
Now I know what to do with my vegetable plot.
Now I know what plants I should buy at the sale.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Today, I am thankful for a new gardening strategy.
The Horticultural Art Society's annual plant sale takes place this Friday, Saturday and Sunday. For the third consecutive year, I helped unload the delivery trucks. I also had the chance to discuss plant issues with veteran gardener, Elsie.
Of course, I complained about my paltry tomato and pepper harvests. Based on recent results, I believe that my green thumb applies only to flowering perennials, bulbs and shrubs.
As I spoke, Elsie's face brightened. She knew what I could do to expand my edible garden: plant a perennial vegetable garden. Such a garden would satisfy my "sustainability" requirements and desire to grow food. Then, she rattled off a list of perennial veggies and herbs ... horseradish, rhubarb, garlic, berries, comfrey, winter savory, sorrel, lovage, chives, mint, fruit trees ...
Now I know what to do with my vegetable plot.
Now I know what plants I should buy at the sale.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Wednesday, 14 May 2008 - Jim Sheeler
Dear God:
Today, I am thankful for Jim Sheeler.
I owe my early writing career to Professor Bauer in Louisa May Alcott's Little Women. When he urged Jo to write from her own experiences, I knew that he was also speaking to me.
In recent years, Denver journalist, Jim Sheeler, has inspired my writing. After he won the 2006 Pulitzer Prize for feature story writing, I sent him a congratulatory email. Long story short, my email was one of four that later appeared as a "letter to the editor" in the Rocky Mountain News.
Mr. Sheeler turned his winning story into a full-length book with the same title, "Final Salute." Last night, his book tour brought him to Colorado Springs. I attended, of course. I don't have many opportunities to meet a Pulitzer Prize winner.
Here's my letter to the editor and the link to the prize-winning story.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Today, I am thankful for Jim Sheeler.
I owe my early writing career to Professor Bauer in Louisa May Alcott's Little Women. When he urged Jo to write from her own experiences, I knew that he was also speaking to me.
In recent years, Denver journalist, Jim Sheeler, has inspired my writing. After he won the 2006 Pulitzer Prize for feature story writing, I sent him a congratulatory email. Long story short, my email was one of four that later appeared as a "letter to the editor" in the Rocky Mountain News.
Mr. Sheeler turned his winning story into a full-length book with the same title, "Final Salute." Last night, his book tour brought him to Colorado Springs. I attended, of course. I don't have many opportunities to meet a Pulitzer Prize winner.
Here's my letter to the editor and the link to the prize-winning story.
When I read that Jim Sheeler and Todd Heisler of the Rocky Mountain News had each won a 2006 Pulitzer Prize for their story “Final Salute,” I just had to write to say, “Congratulations! Well done!”
In particular, I am one of Sheeler’s most loyal fans. I’ve studied his writing and use his articles as models for my own essays and poems. He is one of the reasons why I continue to subscribe to the News.
About his writing, I love:
-The quiet undertones of emotion and empathy.
-The concise yet elegantly worded sentences; the language never flowery or forced.
-The telling of a compelling and often memorable story no matter the topic.
-His compassion for the person or subject — I can feel it, yet it doesn’t interfere with the facts or event.
-The delicate balance of objectivity and intimacy.
Thank you, Mr. Sheeler, for your marvelous pieces. They’ve changed my life and view of the world.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Tuesday, 13 May 2008 - Living strong for others
Dear God:
Today, I am thankful that I can "live strong" for others.
LiveStrong Day 2008.
In Colorado, we awake to cold, wind, rain and snow. Serious weather, I suppose for a solemn day. A striking contrast to yesterday's blinding sunshine and 80 degrees (was perfect for our bouldering adventure).
I study the names on the list of people (and pets) for whom I live strong, for whom I wear a yellow bracelet, the one that Lance Armstrong popularized a few years ago. I shake my head. Most are dead. A few are still fighting cancer. Only one is a long term survivor.
I sigh. Too many. And, most, too young.
If prayers help, I will pray.
If tears help, I will cry.
If smiles help, I will smile.
If a yellow bracelet helps, I will wear one.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Today, I am thankful that I can "live strong" for others.
LiveStrong Day 2008.
In Colorado, we awake to cold, wind, rain and snow. Serious weather, I suppose for a solemn day. A striking contrast to yesterday's blinding sunshine and 80 degrees (was perfect for our bouldering adventure).
I study the names on the list of people (and pets) for whom I live strong, for whom I wear a yellow bracelet, the one that Lance Armstrong popularized a few years ago. I shake my head. Most are dead. A few are still fighting cancer. Only one is a long term survivor.
I sigh. Too many. And, most, too young.
If prayers help, I will pray.
If tears help, I will cry.
If smiles help, I will smile.
If a yellow bracelet helps, I will wear one.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Monday, 12 May 2008 - One aluminum can
Dear God:
Today, I am thankful for one aluminum can.
Recycling just one aluminum can saves enough energy to run a television for 3 hours or the equivalent of a half gallon of gasoline.
During my daily walks with T, I collect recyclables that litter our path. I also rescue items from the park's trash cans and culvert. My prized finds are aluminum cans because I know the value of recycling them.
Recycling one aluminum can won't save Mother Earth, but it's a good start. If every American recycled just one can a day or one can a week ... well, that's an entirely different story. I hope I live long enough to tell it.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Today, I am thankful for one aluminum can.
Recycling just one aluminum can saves enough energy to run a television for 3 hours or the equivalent of a half gallon of gasoline.
During my daily walks with T, I collect recyclables that litter our path. I also rescue items from the park's trash cans and culvert. My prized finds are aluminum cans because I know the value of recycling them.
Recycling one aluminum can won't save Mother Earth, but it's a good start. If every American recycled just one can a day or one can a week ... well, that's an entirely different story. I hope I live long enough to tell it.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Sunday, 11 May 2008 - My mother's garden
Dear God:
Today, I am thankful for my mother's garden.
In search of my mother's garden, I found my own. ~Alice Walker
I don't recall my mother ever having her own garden. Rather, she helped my father maintain his. Weeding. Watering. Warning (i.e., reminding us not to play near the plants or trample the lawn).
Sadly, my father never invited my sisters and me to help him garden. Actually, I don't think it ever crossed his mind or, if it did, he didn't want to bother. Of course, we didn't dare ask if we could help. We were girls, after all.
So, my father never invoked the paternal privilege of teaching us how to plant shrubs, prune roses or thin seedlings. He never got to share his horticultural knowledge by explaining the optimal time for planting or fertilizing or watering or harvesting. He just did his thing in his garden, excluding us every step of the way.
So, then, where does my gardening knowledge come from? Clearly, not from a traditional handing down of information, father to daughter. My gardening knowledge comes from direct get-your-hands-dirty experience and a careful distillation of advice from books, friends, online resources and nurseries.
Now, back to my mother's garden. If she had one, I think she would plant a lively cottage garden that bursts each spring with fragrance, color and joy. A garden that attracts butterflies, bees and hummingbirds. A garden that invites daughters to join the fray, welcoming my sisters and me to make a fresh batch of mud pies any time we like.
Happy Mother's Day, Mom!
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Today, I am thankful for my mother's garden.
In search of my mother's garden, I found my own. ~Alice Walker
I don't recall my mother ever having her own garden. Rather, she helped my father maintain his. Weeding. Watering. Warning (i.e., reminding us not to play near the plants or trample the lawn).
Sadly, my father never invited my sisters and me to help him garden. Actually, I don't think it ever crossed his mind or, if it did, he didn't want to bother. Of course, we didn't dare ask if we could help. We were girls, after all.
So, my father never invoked the paternal privilege of teaching us how to plant shrubs, prune roses or thin seedlings. He never got to share his horticultural knowledge by explaining the optimal time for planting or fertilizing or watering or harvesting. He just did his thing in his garden, excluding us every step of the way.
So, then, where does my gardening knowledge come from? Clearly, not from a traditional handing down of information, father to daughter. My gardening knowledge comes from direct get-your-hands-dirty experience and a careful distillation of advice from books, friends, online resources and nurseries.
Now, back to my mother's garden. If she had one, I think she would plant a lively cottage garden that bursts each spring with fragrance, color and joy. A garden that attracts butterflies, bees and hummingbirds. A garden that invites daughters to join the fray, welcoming my sisters and me to make a fresh batch of mud pies any time we like.
Happy Mother's Day, Mom!
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Saturday, 10 May 2008 - Seedlings
Dear God:
Today, I am thankful for seedlings.
New seed
is faithful.
Its roots deepest
in the places
that are
most empty.
~Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Ph.D.
Gardeners everywhere know that starting plants from seed requires faith, patience and prayer. I sowed tomato and pepper seeds on April 27. I check my improvised "greenhouse" often for signs of life. I think its location - the west-facing kitchen window - provides adequate light and heat. Proper moisture regulation is also essential - not too dry, not too wet (the latter is usually my downfall).
This morning, to my utter delight, I find tomato sprouts standing proudly above the dark brown peat pots. I'm especially pleased that 11 of the 15 sungold tomato seeds germinated (sungold tomatoes are my favorite variety; I bought these seeds from another gardener).
Now I must give the seedlings time to mature before I transplant them in pots or my garden. For me, this phase requires even more faith, patience and prayer. I hope I'm up to the challenge.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Today, I am thankful for seedlings.
New seed
is faithful.
Its roots deepest
in the places
that are
most empty.
~Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Ph.D.
Gardeners everywhere know that starting plants from seed requires faith, patience and prayer. I sowed tomato and pepper seeds on April 27. I check my improvised "greenhouse" often for signs of life. I think its location - the west-facing kitchen window - provides adequate light and heat. Proper moisture regulation is also essential - not too dry, not too wet (the latter is usually my downfall).
This morning, to my utter delight, I find tomato sprouts standing proudly above the dark brown peat pots. I'm especially pleased that 11 of the 15 sungold tomato seeds germinated (sungold tomatoes are my favorite variety; I bought these seeds from another gardener).
Now I must give the seedlings time to mature before I transplant them in pots or my garden. For me, this phase requires even more faith, patience and prayer. I hope I'm up to the challenge.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Friday, May 09, 2008
Friday, 09 May 2008 - Mother Nature's fashion week
Dear God:
Today, I am thankful for Mother Nature's fashion week.
What a difference a week makes.
A week ago, deciduous trees, with their brownish gray bark and bare branches, still reminded me of winter. It snowed on May 1. Today, the trees invite a new story. After all, it's Mother Nature's fashion week.
Listen to the commentary as the trees swagger down the runway.
"These trees wear multitudes of tiny leaves tinted every possible shade of green. Think spiky clusters of shiny chartreuse brightening the drab winter brown palette."
"Covered head-to-toe in blossoms, graceful flowering trees show off their spring finery. Pastels blend beautifully with deeper shades of pink, peach, white and red. Think Hawaiian leis covering each branch. Think traditional cherry trees in full bloom. Think spring breezes carrying delicate petals near and far. "
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Today, I am thankful for Mother Nature's fashion week.
What a difference a week makes.
A week ago, deciduous trees, with their brownish gray bark and bare branches, still reminded me of winter. It snowed on May 1. Today, the trees invite a new story. After all, it's Mother Nature's fashion week.
Listen to the commentary as the trees swagger down the runway.
"These trees wear multitudes of tiny leaves tinted every possible shade of green. Think spiky clusters of shiny chartreuse brightening the drab winter brown palette."
"Covered head-to-toe in blossoms, graceful flowering trees show off their spring finery. Pastels blend beautifully with deeper shades of pink, peach, white and red. Think Hawaiian leis covering each branch. Think traditional cherry trees in full bloom. Think spring breezes carrying delicate petals near and far. "
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Thursday, 08 May 2008 - A hopeful voice
Dear God:
Today, I am thankful for a hopeful voice.
The best things in life are nearest: Breath in your nostrils, light in your eyes, flowers at your feet, duties at your hand, the path of right just before you. Then do not grasp at the stars, but do life's plain, common work as it comes, certain that daily duties and daily bread are the sweetest things in life.
~Robert Louis Stevenson
I'm trying to block out the negative self-talk that's usurped the airways and listen only to the tiny voice within that tells me things will be all right. This takes tremendous effort. The negative voices shout loud, hostile, bitter words.
Still, I try to imagine that they're the thunder, wind and lightening of a very noisy storm. Mere background noise. Pure bluster. Nothing worth my constant attention.
Only then can I concentrate on the tiny voice within, the one that speaks of hope.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Today, I am thankful for a hopeful voice.
The best things in life are nearest: Breath in your nostrils, light in your eyes, flowers at your feet, duties at your hand, the path of right just before you. Then do not grasp at the stars, but do life's plain, common work as it comes, certain that daily duties and daily bread are the sweetest things in life.
~Robert Louis Stevenson
I'm trying to block out the negative self-talk that's usurped the airways and listen only to the tiny voice within that tells me things will be all right. This takes tremendous effort. The negative voices shout loud, hostile, bitter words.
Still, I try to imagine that they're the thunder, wind and lightening of a very noisy storm. Mere background noise. Pure bluster. Nothing worth my constant attention.
Only then can I concentrate on the tiny voice within, the one that speaks of hope.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Wednesday, 07 May 2008 - Rain
Dear God:
Today, I am thankful for rain.
The early morning rain soaks my garden, muddies the path, settles the dust.
A welcome watering after a rather dry April.
Perhaps we'll see May flowers after all.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Today, I am thankful for rain.
The early morning rain soaks my garden, muddies the path, settles the dust.
A welcome watering after a rather dry April.
Perhaps we'll see May flowers after all.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Tuesday, 06 May 2008 - Healing prayers
Dear God:
Today, I am thankful for healing prayers.
Oh, Great Spirit,
I pray for myself in order that I may be healed.
Oh, Great Spirit,
I pray for my close friend who is sick and needs help.
~Ed McGaa, Eagle Man
I'm still upset by my friend's stage 4 lung cancer. Actually, I feel helpless and angry. Sorry, but I can't hide my selfishness. I just thought he would always be around, somewhere, somehow. After all, aren't we suppose to outlive our parents but not each other - at least not by decades?
When we were in college, the three of us once talked about getting together when we were much older. At that reunion (which seemed so far off in the future), we would tell our life stories, recall shared memories and celebrate our long friendship. We would share a bottle of excellent wine as we laughed and talked into the wee hours of the morning.
If only we could go back to the first day we met and start again. This time, with more feeling. And kept promises to stay in touch after college.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Today, I am thankful for healing prayers.
Oh, Great Spirit,
I pray for myself in order that I may be healed.
Oh, Great Spirit,
I pray for my close friend who is sick and needs help.
~Ed McGaa, Eagle Man
I'm still upset by my friend's stage 4 lung cancer. Actually, I feel helpless and angry. Sorry, but I can't hide my selfishness. I just thought he would always be around, somewhere, somehow. After all, aren't we suppose to outlive our parents but not each other - at least not by decades?
When we were in college, the three of us once talked about getting together when we were much older. At that reunion (which seemed so far off in the future), we would tell our life stories, recall shared memories and celebrate our long friendship. We would share a bottle of excellent wine as we laughed and talked into the wee hours of the morning.
If only we could go back to the first day we met and start again. This time, with more feeling. And kept promises to stay in touch after college.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Monday, May 05, 2008
Monday, 05 May 2008 - My sister, E
Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for my sister, E, as she celebrates her birthday.
She is your mirror, shining back at you with a world of possibilities. She is your witness, who sees you at your worst and best, and loves you anyway. She is your partner in crime, your midnight companion, someone who knows when you are smiling, even in the dark. She is your teacher, your defense attorney, your personal press agent, even your shrink. Some days, she's the reason you wish you were an only child. ~Barbara Alpert
This quote describes my favorite sister, E, perfectly. Except that she has never done anything to make me wish I were an only child. And it doesn't mention her inner and outer beauty, artistic talents and heart of gold.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Photo: T wishes his Aunt E a very happy birthday.
Today, I am thankful for my sister, E, as she celebrates her birthday.
She is your mirror, shining back at you with a world of possibilities. She is your witness, who sees you at your worst and best, and loves you anyway. She is your partner in crime, your midnight companion, someone who knows when you are smiling, even in the dark. She is your teacher, your defense attorney, your personal press agent, even your shrink. Some days, she's the reason you wish you were an only child. ~Barbara Alpert
This quote describes my favorite sister, E, perfectly. Except that she has never done anything to make me wish I were an only child. And it doesn't mention her inner and outer beauty, artistic talents and heart of gold.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Photo: T wishes his Aunt E a very happy birthday.
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Sunday, 04 May 2008 - More courage
Dear God:
Today, I am thankful for more courage.
Never let the odds keep you from doing what you know in your heart
you were meant to do. ~H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
The odds are definitely against me right now. Few are betting on my success. But that doesn't mean I won't keep trying. Being who I am is challenging. Doing what I want to do is tough business. That's my life in a nutshell.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Today, I am thankful for more courage.
Never let the odds keep you from doing what you know in your heart
you were meant to do. ~H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
The odds are definitely against me right now. Few are betting on my success. But that doesn't mean I won't keep trying. Being who I am is challenging. Doing what I want to do is tough business. That's my life in a nutshell.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Saturday, May 03, 2008
Saturday, 03 May 2008 - HerbFest
Dear God:
Today, I am thankful for HerbFest.
I attend this local event for the second consecutive year. Sadly, my neighbor, Sherry, can't accompany me. Osteoarthritis now prevents her from walking or standing for more than a few minutes at a time. And, S has no interest in herbs or gardening. So, I go alone.
I thoroughly enjoy my outing. For nearly two hours, I walk the exhibit floor where vendors sell everything from products infused with Amazon rainforest botanicals to homemade soaps, salves and lotions to Himalayan salt scrubs to specially blended detox tea. Of course, I love samples. I nibble on organic cocoa bean concoctions, sip energy drinks and dab essential oils on my wrists.
My main mission is to buy live herbs for my garden. Fortunately, a local nursery is selling organically grown plants near the entrance. I select an assortment of culinary herbs to plant in pots, three jalapeno pepper plants and two pelargonia (one cinnamon, one ginger) for my small scented geranium collection.
I'm especially fond of the eight sweet basil plants. When I sniff the fragrant leaves, I can taste spoonfuls of homemade pesto. (sigh) I can't hardly wait for summer.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Today, I am thankful for HerbFest.
I attend this local event for the second consecutive year. Sadly, my neighbor, Sherry, can't accompany me. Osteoarthritis now prevents her from walking or standing for more than a few minutes at a time. And, S has no interest in herbs or gardening. So, I go alone.
I thoroughly enjoy my outing. For nearly two hours, I walk the exhibit floor where vendors sell everything from products infused with Amazon rainforest botanicals to homemade soaps, salves and lotions to Himalayan salt scrubs to specially blended detox tea. Of course, I love samples. I nibble on organic cocoa bean concoctions, sip energy drinks and dab essential oils on my wrists.
My main mission is to buy live herbs for my garden. Fortunately, a local nursery is selling organically grown plants near the entrance. I select an assortment of culinary herbs to plant in pots, three jalapeno pepper plants and two pelargonia (one cinnamon, one ginger) for my small scented geranium collection.
I'm especially fond of the eight sweet basil plants. When I sniff the fragrant leaves, I can taste spoonfuls of homemade pesto. (sigh) I can't hardly wait for summer.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Friday, May 02, 2008
Friday, 02 May 2008 - A reprieve
Dear God:
Today, I am thankful for a reprieve.
After a hectic week, I don't feel like playing hostess so I'm relieved to learn that we won't have company after all. That means a guilt-free weekend working in the garden, potting plants and decluttering my studio. And, yes, with S back home, we'll climb or boulder each afternoon.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Photo: T enjoys the cool but sunny afternoon.
Today, I am thankful for a reprieve.
After a hectic week, I don't feel like playing hostess so I'm relieved to learn that we won't have company after all. That means a guilt-free weekend working in the garden, potting plants and decluttering my studio. And, yes, with S back home, we'll climb or boulder each afternoon.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Photo: T enjoys the cool but sunny afternoon.
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Thursday, 01 May 2008 - A good traveling companion
Dear God:
Today, I am thankful for a good traveling companion.
As predicted, the spring blizzard hits this morning, bringing lots of wet snow and cold temperatures to the neighborhood. This is unfortunate. As someone who dislikes driving in inclement weather, I have a busy schedule today - appointments to keep, places to go and people to see.
My biggest worry? What to do with T.
S is out of town this week so no one is available to "dog-sit" on a moment's notice. And, I can't leave him outside in the storm - at age 11, he doesn't tolerate the cold or isolation very well. So, I decide to take T with me. It's cool enough with the windows cracked open so he won't roast in the Camry while I make my rounds. Plus, he likes riding in the car, settling readily on the cozy fleece blanket protecting the back seat. And, don't forget about the treats. I give him several each time I leave or return.
At day's end, T tells me that he's glad I took him with me. He really liked visiting the post office, beauty salon, natural foods store, library, charity shop, nursery and World Arena (where, before my meeting, we took a brisk walk along the greenbelt).
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Today, I am thankful for a good traveling companion.
As predicted, the spring blizzard hits this morning, bringing lots of wet snow and cold temperatures to the neighborhood. This is unfortunate. As someone who dislikes driving in inclement weather, I have a busy schedule today - appointments to keep, places to go and people to see.
My biggest worry? What to do with T.
S is out of town this week so no one is available to "dog-sit" on a moment's notice. And, I can't leave him outside in the storm - at age 11, he doesn't tolerate the cold or isolation very well. So, I decide to take T with me. It's cool enough with the windows cracked open so he won't roast in the Camry while I make my rounds. Plus, he likes riding in the car, settling readily on the cozy fleece blanket protecting the back seat. And, don't forget about the treats. I give him several each time I leave or return.
At day's end, T tells me that he's glad I took him with me. He really liked visiting the post office, beauty salon, natural foods store, library, charity shop, nursery and World Arena (where, before my meeting, we took a brisk walk along the greenbelt).
For this blessing, I am grateful.
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