Dear God:
Today, I am thankful for summer memories.
Summer ends.
Autumn begins.
A seamless transition.
Yet, each season is distinct and separate.
Our summer began on a down note ... Tom's freak bicycle accident on June 16 that resulted in a traumatic brain injury primarily to his left frontal lobe. His month-long coma and ensuing weeks in a local hospital dictated our evening schedule. Although Tom's now in Denver for rehabilitation, we still think and worry about him daily.
Our summer ends on more down notes ... George M's cancer diagnosis and grim prognosis (the cancer is widespread) and Daisy's death (expected but still difficult to accept).
As for the days and weeks in between ... merely life as I lived it. This year, however, I faced each summer day knowing that, despite my good health and optimism, I have no guarantee that I will live to see the summer of 2008.
Among other things, this summer ...
~ S and I rock climbed with enthusiasm and passion, but didn't attempt any route on the Wailing Wall (timing wasn't right).
~ We connected with people from our past - for S, a Peace Corps buddy whose son is a freshman at the Air Force Academy; for me, a few high school classmates.
~ I caught the sewing bug and made several items for my climbing and everyday wardrobe, found and bought a pair of perfectly fitting jeans and won second place in a national poetry contest.
~I began brewing my own kombucha tea and started this year's batch of my popular homemade organic vanilla extract.
~ For the 21st consecutive year, we did not attend the annual Labor Day hot air balloon event in Memorial Park.
~ My vegetable and herb garden comprised an experiment that yielded mixed results (note the bags of rich compost that I intend to work into the soil before winter). I'm not sure the watermelons will ripen before the first hard freeze or snowfall. The hot mariachi peppers did very well - I look forward to adding them to pots of spicy tortilla soup this winter.
~ My perennial gardens and shrubs grew wildly, creating a nectar-rich playground for the bees, butterflies and hummingbirds.
~ The six goji berry bushes thrived - can't wait until they finally produce berries - won't be for another 2-3 years, however - hope we still live here so I can celebrate the first harvest.
Adieu summer of 2007. Thanks for the memories.
For this blessing, I am grateful.